Wednesday, 24 February 2010

American Airlines to lay off 175 pilots, possibly more

american-airlines-tailAmerican Airlines will lay off 175 pilots and could furlough more, the airliner confirmed.

In a prepared statement, American said, "The impact of the economy and reduction in capacity over the last 18 months, coupled with lower than expected pilot attrition, has resulted in a pilot surplus. This was a painful but necessary decision, as this staffing adjustment will better align the size of our pilot organization with the size of our current operation."

The furloughs will take place in two parts and will start with the layoff of around 80 pilots in March. The Allied Pilots Association, which represents about 11,000 American Airlines pilots, said the furlough will impact the least-senior pilots first, however, more senior pilots might choose to take a voluntary leave of absence, which would prevent junior pilots from being furloughed.
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