Wednesday, 24 February 2010

J.D. Power ranks top U.S. airports

Detroit AirportMuch like the Zagat survey results that were posted in November, that highlighted small airlines in customer satisfaction, J.D. Power and Associates have polled 12,000 travelers for the best airports. Smaller airports consistently took the lead in approval.

Three airports in the Midwest ranked highest. Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County won best large airport, Kansas City International snagged the title for best midsized airport, and the Indianapolis International Airport won best small airport, and also best overall customer satisfaction this year.

Results were based on six factors: accessibility, check-in, baggage check-in, baggage claim, terminal facilities, security check, food and retail. The results also show that the biggest priorities for traveler happiness in an airport revolve around baggage deliver, ease of check-in, comfort in terminals, and rapid security.
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