Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Lufthansa strike cuts 800 flights

LufthansaFour thousand Lufthansa pilots began a four-day walkout strike in response to potential loss of job security today. The strike is thought to affect approximately 10,000 passengers worldwide, and the German airline has already cancelled 800 flights.

In terms of sales, Lufthansa is Europe’s biggest airline, and is known for both its long-haul trans-Atlantic flights and its shorter, widespread domestic routes. It usually runs 1,800 flights each day.

Estimated to cost the airline $34 million per day, the strike also includes efforts by Lufthansa Cargo and Germanwings.

Currently, Lufthansa is trying to rebook travelers on partner airlines or on trains. If a passenger is unable to reschedule, they are fully reimbursed for the flight.

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